Frozen Pipe Break in Chatham, NJ

Job Completed for Frozen Pipe Break in Chatham, NJ

Completion Date: 2021-01-17

Customer Type: n/a

Location: Chatham, NJ

About this project:

At this home in Chatham, New Jersey, the pipe leading to the outdoor spigot broke due to freezing temperatures, causing damage to the basement of the house. The drywall, carpet, padding, baseboard, plaster, paneling, and tile floor materials throughout 5 rooms in the basement suffered damage.

When our project manager, Adam, arrived at the residence, he immediately worked to restore the damage. Adam and a crew of technicians installed 1 dehumidifier, 1 air scrubber, 1 large injectidry machine, and 13 air movers to resolve the situation.

Team members on this project:


Before Photos:

After Photos:

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Frozen Pipe Break in Chatham, NJ

Photos From: 0000-00-00

The customer experienced a frozen pipe burst underneath their bathtub. The water damage the 1st level bedroom and 2nd level bathroom. Our crew assessed the damage and set up equipment where it was needed to dry the areas thoroughly.

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