
Sewer Backups: A Homeowners Worst Nightmare

Summer storms can cause severe damage to your sewer system. As the ground outside of your home becomes saturated due to heavy rainfall, it allows for loose soil to travel into small cracks in your sewer line, causing major sewer backups. Not only do sewer backups cause an extensive amount of damage, they can also create health hazards in your home. Should you be a victim of a sewer backup, here are some steps you can take:

  1. Before going into the areas affected by the backup, put on rubber gloves and a face mask to prevent any viruses or bacteria. If multiple areas of your home are affected, immediately call your utility company to shut off your electricity and gas.
  2.  The sewer drain cleanout of your home is typically located between your home and the sewer main (1-2 feet away from the house). Once you have located it, remove the cap and check for any standing water. If there is an excess amount of water, it is likely that the stoppage is coming from the city main sewer line.
  3. If the sewage has been in your home for over 24 hours, call a professional to get it cleaned up as soon as possible.
  4. Depending on the severity of the sewer backup, it is possible that you can take matters into your own hands.
    • Begin by removing any sewage with a vacuum or a pump. Remove and get rid of any content that has been damaged or affected by the sewage.
    • Using a garden hose, spray the walls and floors of the affected areas. Afterward, remove any remains with a dustpan. Once the majority of the sewage is removed, wash down the areas with disinfectant and cleaning solution.
    • Use a scrub brush dipped in 1/2 cup bleach and 1 gallon of water to kill any bacteria. Open all of the windows to air out the affected rooms.

Contact us at 888-379-7970 for 24/7 emergency service!

Sewer Backups: A Homeowners Worst Nightmare
Sewer Backups: A Homeowners Worst Nightmare
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Sewer Backups: A Homeowners Worst Nightmare
Sewer Backups: A Homeowners Worst Nightmare
Sewer Backups: A Homeowners Worst Nightmare

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