
Burst Pipe in Garage

Job completed for Burst Pipe in Garage

Completion date: 2020-02-07

Location:Summit, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

In Summit, New Jersey, a homeowner experienced a frozen pipe burst in their detached garage. The walls, ceiling, and floor were damaged from the water loss. Due to the lack of heat and power in the garage, drying the area was more challenging. The homeowner contacted Northeast Power Dry to ensure that his property is restored carefully and quickly.

Solutions Provided:

When our skilled team of technicians arrived at the home, they immediately worked to resolve the situation. Elevated moisture readings were taken, and the full scope of work was communicated to the customer. 1 drying furnace and 4 air movers were installed in the garage. Technicians monitored the equipment set up daily to ensure that all machines were working properly since there was a lack of power supply to the garage. After only 3 days, the property was dry, and all equipment was retrieved.

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