
Line Break in Bathroom

Job completed for Line Break in Bathroom

Completion date: 2019-03-03

Location:Annandale, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

This homeowner in Annandale, New Jersey experienced a flexible line break that occurred between the wall and the commode in the bathroom,. This caused water to gush out of the hose on the second floor. The line break affected the carpet, pad, hardwood floor, insulation, baseboards, oversized trim, ceramic tile, vanity, and tack strip, along with 9 other rooms in the home. The customer wanted to see how our products worked before beginning the clean up process, so our crew used 2 air scrubbers for a demonstration. A problem that our technicians faced was that there was a lot of content in the affected areas needing to be moved. Before they could perform any sanitization and drying, a lot of special content manipulation needed to occur.

Solutions Provided:

This job was difficult, but that did not stop our technicians from finding a solution. Four of our crew members set out to start moving the home’s content around. Due to the content being fragile, it took 4 hours to carefully move everything. After removing the damaged carpet and hardwood flooring, our crew was able to start the sanitization and drying process. They used 5 large dehumidifiers, 2 small dehumidifiers, 43 air movers, 2 hardwood machines, and the 2 air scrubbers used during the demolition. After 14 hours of hard work, our technicians successfully mitigated the water damage resulting from the flexible line break. The customer was very happy to see the home dried and clean.

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